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[divider background_colour=”” xs_height=”8″ sm_height=”8″][heading section_swatch_override=”on” heading_colour=”#00aeef” header_size=”big” margin_top=”no-top” margin_bottom=”no-bottom”]Useful Links…[/heading][divider background_colour=”” xs_height=”8″ sm_height=”8″]

Harcourts is the most preferred and best known real estate group in New Zealand. Whether you want to buy or sell via property auction, tender or one of the many other processes it’s the name you can trust to achieve real results.

Quotable Value New Zealand
New Zealand’s largest valuation and property information company. Ideal for requesting a property valuation. Invaluable for tracking local house prices.

Mortgage Calculator
By using our home loan calculators you will be able to see how much you might be able to borrow, what your repayments might be, how long it might take you to pay off, and more.

Real Estate Agents Authority 
The Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) is the independent, government regulatory body for the real estate industry in New Zealand.  We provide independent oversight of the real estate industry, ensure a high standard of service and professionalism within the industry, and provide increased protection for buyers and sellers of real estate. The REAA is a Crown entity, established under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008.

Consumer Advice
Harcourts Group Ltd and its franchises are all licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 and therefore our agents, branch managers and salespersons are bound by the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care).

Investing in Residential Property
Investing in Residential Property

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